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Fabric Softener | Lavender + Mint


Refill this product in store in your own container and save 75 cents per refill off of the Mint packaged price (plus the plastic bag waste that it comes in!).

The Product: Mint Fabric Softener is formulated to protect and refresh your laundry. It keeps clothes soft, reduces static cling, and maintains fabric elasticity while helping to deodorize and brighten your clothes. Infused with lavender and mint essential oils, it leaves a light, fresh scent without harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances in conventional fabric softeners.

When purchasing this product in a paper baggie, transfer it to a reusable container upon delivery to maintain the quality of the product and freshness of the scent.

Directions: add 1-2 tablespoons directly in with your laundry at the start of the wash cycle for softer, fresher clothes.

Ingredients: Sodium bicarbonate, magnesium sulfate, arvensis, angustifolia